The Teacher's Enterprise in Religious Education

Welcome to our digital store hub. All subscriptions last for 12 months from the date of purchase and have 60 pupil user licences included (more can be requested). You can preview any of our books below, before you subscribe.

Terms and Conditions

Effective from: November 2021

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of The Way, The Truth & The Life online learning platform (“WTL Online”) provided by the Teachers’ Enterprise in Religious Education (“TERE”). You should print a copy of these Terms and Conditions or save them to your computer for future reference.


In consideration of the fee paid by the school/organisation (the “Organisation”) to TERE, who grants you a licence to use the resources on WTL Online throughout the licence period.

  1. Your subscription to WTL Online is licensed to the individual Organisation identified on this account, not to the individual teacher or person accessing the account (the “User”).

  2. Resources provided as part of the subscription may not be shared with any user outside of the Organisation under any circumstances. This includes schools within the same academy trust or company and any member of staff working in multiple schools, including Executive Headteachers and any similar post.

  3. As a subscribing Organisation, every member of teaching staff employed by the Organisation is permitted to have their own account on WTL Online, accessed with a unique username and password. Permission to access WTL Online will be granted to individual users by the Account Administrator for your Organisation.

  4. If, during the licence period, a user leaves the Organisation, the account associated with the user must be removed by the Organisation with immediate effect, no later than the date which the user leaves the Organisation. Should an Organisation fail to do this, and a user continues to access the resources after they have left the Organisation, access to WTL Online will be revoked for the entire Organisation until TERE is satisfied that the situation is resolved.

  5. You must not transfer, temporarily or permanently, any rights or obligations under these terms.


  6. Resources can and should be accessed via WTL Online and the website should be viewed as the primary database for all resources.

  7. An Organisation may make any downloadable resources available on its internal intranet, including its online learning platform, so long as access is restricted solely to employees of the Organisation or pupils who are on-roll of the Organisation.

  8. An Organisation may not publish in whole or in part any material provided by TERE on the Internet including, but not restricted to, social media.

  9. Under no circumstances may an Organisation or its users attempt to download any resources that are not downloadable (any such resources will be clearly marked with a ‘download’ button).

  10. Users agree not to make available their username and/or password to anyone. If there has been a disclosure of a user’s username and/or password, the Organisation agrees to notify us promptly of such disclosure, so that we can take appropriate security measures.

  11. If you are a teacher or an Organisation, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the appropriate use and adaptation of the resources for the use by pupils in your Organisation.

  12. An Organisation agrees that it is solely responsible for configuring its computer devices to access WTL Online and the resources included as part of its subscription, and to provide for its own virus protection software.


  13. Organisations acknowledge that TERE owns all Intellectual Property Rights on WTL Online, the Software and the Products.


  14. If you are unable to access WTL Online, you must first ascertain whether the inability to access WTL Online is caused by a failure on the part of your device. If the fault lies with WTL Online and not your device, you must:

    inform your administrator immediately and your administrator will notify and our team will reply as soon as possible.

  15. Upon receiving the administrator's report, TERE shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve and rectify the problem to allow you to access WTL Online.

  16. Where it is subsequently established that the fault does not lie with WTL Online but with your device or your internet services, we reserve the right to charge the Organisation a fee of £40 p/h + VAT

  17. We may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. You will be given at least one month's written notice of any changes before they take effect. If you do not wish to accept the changes, you can choose to cancel the contract pertaining to your subscription and you will not be liable for any further charges.

  18. By accepting this Licence Agreement, you are committed to pay the full subscription fee for this service.  Once it is signed, it cannot be cancelled.